sanvello app review

Sanvello App Review

Sanvello is an award-winning mental health app.

Included is a toolbox with tool to help you track your mood. (As business management expert, Peter Drucker has famously been quoted as saying, “what gets measured, gets managed.”

Sanvello helps you become more aware of your moods, and there is a series of audio lessons and activities created by psychologists to help manage stress, anxiety or depression.

…and let’s face it, stress and anxiety are a very common problems nowadays.

Sanvello also has a meditation library with relaxation activities including deep breathing and mindfulness meditation.

Additionally, a nice feature of Sanvello is that it allows you to connect within Sanvellos’ chat groups and discussion communities.

When setting up the app, you need to login or create an account.

The account creation steps walk you through setting up some goals. I did feel relaxed at the way they set this up. the screen is dim and chill.

You can select up to 3 main goals from a variety of pre-selected goals.

It allows you to set a time for Sanvello to check in with you at a specific time, or randomly in the morning or evening.

I do like the randomness of this, as apps that send the same reminder at the same time of day can become annoying.

You can signup using Facebook, a Google account or an email.

The meditations are as short as 1 minute, and some are 6-10 minutes in length. I think this is overall a good length.

There is at least one free mediation and often more in each category. but there are also locked meditations in each category.

for the upgrade, you can upgrade for free via your insurance. If you buy through the app store, the monthly rate is $11.49 or $68.99 per year.

Obviously, the annual plan will save a bit of money.

The meditations have adjustable background noise, like waves or such, which is nice so you can customize it so it’s not distracting.

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