Branalyzer Review
Is Branalyzer a good software? Here’s a breakdown of everything you need to know:
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Welcome back to learnwire in this video we’re going to be looking at this branalyzer all-in-one brands analysis software. So what is this software like? Well, it’s going to be similar to similar web, no pun intended we’ll go check out similar web real fast and just going to show you these for an analyzing, a market or analyzing websites, how much traffic they’re getting what their backlinks look like and so forth. This is what these guys special specialize in now, a really cool feature like you I actually use this on a daily basis.

When I’m doing research and competitive analysis on my on sites, it really can help you decide. Well, I want to mimic a site after that, and there that looks like a new site, but wow they’re getting 60 000 visits per month. It gives you an idea if something’s working for another site or not and while you’re on a web page, it’s nice to be able to click this icon over here, it’s going to tell you where they rank globally in the country, category rank and so forth. Bounce rate pages per visit, monthly visits, 57 million right average view duration is very high.
So it’s going to give you all kinds of statistics: 16 percent of their traffic, their number one traffic source is united states of traffic and you’re going to look at you know: direct search, email, social referrals, there’s really good information that you get even just for free. It’s enough to kind of get you started, but when you really want to do competitive analysis and dive in you’re going to have to have a membership just to one of these types of sites now branalyzer. This is what it looks like inside we’re going to go into a deep dive and look at all the different features that it has. This will be a product unboxing, which means that I have not used the software you’re going to be looking at it for the first time alongside with me, and so yes, of course, there could be some things I miss about the software, but it will be A good overall overview and kind of first impressions right of how easy it is to do things, how easy it is to figure things out.
I really like these kinds of reviews, because this is what you’re going to get when you actually go in to use software for the first time, we’ll come back over here real fast, and I want to look at pricing at similar web. Since this is going to be the closest competitor to this, we pull up pricing over here, you’re going to get your free trial. Obviously so, when you go over here into digital marketing intelligence, the lowest plan, they have is 249 a month yeah, you can go to annual and get it for 208, but you’re going to be spending two to three thousand dollars on their lowest plan per month.
So this is going to need to be, if you’re, a small, small business or a solopreneur. This is going to need to be. This is going to be a large part of your marketing budget or your expense budget. So you’ll have to be mindful of that right and, as you need the tool more and you need more features pretty much.
If you just need to scale it you’re going to need to go up to the advanced or further up now they do have different other packages: sales, intelligence, investor, and intelligence, but the main one is the digital marketing and 249 dollars per month. Obviously, when we come back down here to branalyzer, we don’t know how big the software is going to be, and quite frankly, we don’t know when these softwares, these startup startup softwares, are going to be around for in the next five years. What will come of the software will they sell? Will they still be around will be a big software? Will um will actually be a a real competitor to some of these other big ones right and that’s what you need to you need to understand that when you’re getting a 39 software one time, you can’t be too picky about it.
In my opinion, and some of the ones you do purchase will end up being really big players in the market and then you would have gotten like a steal right coming in at the lifetime deal so we’re looking at this the branalyzer. It actually has eight reviews. Five tacos, I think it’s been out for a few months on the marketplace.
It’s kind of one of those hidden gems. Again, it didn’t really blow up the on the site, but I’m trying to find these more and more um for you guys, because I want to bring these tools to you that, for whatever reason didn’t blow up on the soft the platform. But they are they. Seemingly, look like they’re very good, softwares you’re going to be able to get what’s super cool about this for a one-time fee 39.
One time never has to pay again. You can’t beat that deal you’re going to be able to get this one-time low cost of price. Point and you’re going to be able to get semrush types, stats, similar web type, stuff hunter-gatherer, where you can go, and actually, one of the coolest things that I want to look at in here is the domain expired domain research tool which you can pay a Hundred dollars a month just for a membership to certain sites, just for that feature alone, so this is really really promising to bring a lot of value, and it’s going to give you metrics like moz, metrics and majestic metrics, so citation flow trust flow domain. Uh rating page rating or page authority domain authority, all those things that you have to pay hundreds of dollars for, if you combine all that and what they’re doing is they’re going to let you borrow from their corporate accounts right you’re, going to be able to Get all the data you need so really really cool stuff.
Now it looks like you can stack up to four codes and get up to 500 searches a month and that’s going to be I’m not going to go over their pricing on their website. But it’s going to be a huge uh savings right because they do have a monthly plan and when they leave appsumo there will be monthly plans. I believe they’re at like a hundred dollars a month.
So there you go with all that uh five tacos people are liking, the software okay, so we’re going to dive in real quick. So I’m going to go ahead and just grab this one up here. The site up here, the motivation grid and we’re going to be looking at that today so be curious.
I’m going to click on that and it’s going to do a brand summary for us. Okay, so we have. It was founded in 2013 motivation, motivation, gridcom, industry publishing. It’s cut yeah, it’s I mean it’s publishing, it’s it’s in the motivation niche.
I don’t know if that’s really a technically a niche self-development is more of along the lines. Self-improvement self development personal development. Things like that is what it would have been self-help is the category.
I would put it in main categories: hobbies and interests sci-fi and fantasy. That’s not correct! Uh, traffic. 7.
379. 000. I want to go over here and just kind of okay, so I had to turn my ad blocker off real fast we’re back. I’m going to go up here and click on this and see so we can see that motivation grid, so similar web is estimating 109 000 searches a month on this channel right here now or on this website now we could go to 10 different tools and they’re.
All going to display a different number, so it’s not really, but you don’t have to you, don’t really take it as an end, all be all just by going with a tool, and you have to take all the numbers with a grain of salt, but they all Have their own algorithms with met for measuring traffic and so forth? Right so, but they’re, saying 109 come back in over here and they’re actually saying that they’re getting a 379 000 per month and we could go and search. We can search ubersuggest and that’s at about 160. Seventy five thousand up here close to two hundred thousand right there and then up at two hundred, sixty thousand so different tools.
Right here are are going to, say, different things: okay, but we’re going to go back in here to brandalizer, but I would say after measuring just two other tools, that this number is probably on the high end. It’s it’s definitely measuring a lot more traffic. So that’s something to look at, but we will move on just some basic information right there we’re going to go business kpi, I don’t know, look at the different measurements from like a 10 000 foot view. You have your traffic, you have your estimated average purchase frequency.
The estimated average order value really mainly for sites that are selling pro physical products and shipping and things like that. Your gross margin, your conversion rate, that’s a really small conversion rate, I’m not sure if that’s right or not, but the monthly revenue, there’s they’re, probably making a lot more than that. I don’t know why. They’re measuring total amount of money that is being received by the company after trading its products or service with its customers.
I have no idea how they’re coming up with an algorithm. That’s actually telling you what they think a company is making, but I think motivation. Grit’s, probably making way more than that lifetime value of a customer 211 dollars and the estimated customer customer lifetime period 16. So that’s like a turnover it might be like 167 years or something like that.
We can come back over here and get some more. How are sourced and processed you can actually look at it. So when you use branalyzer your access data from one unique source, the public web, every day, we analyze millions of websites to index the most uptodate business data, all the metrics and values, traffic, kpis, cost ads, etc are estimated values we use stateoftheart complex south algorithms to Improve the data that are shown in the different modules most of our tools work only with the google search engine for search engine rankings and keyword analytics.
We use thirdparty data providers to collect google actual search results pages for the 500 million, most popular keywords. We study both organic search results as well as paid search results to give you a complete picture of any websites of visibility on google, so they do explain to you how they’re getting it, but not like, actually exactly how they are doing it so brand seo. None of these tools are going to be perfect or going to be accurate, they’re going to just be based on their own, their own data right.
So we have domain authorities at 51. Here we can go over here and you can see the domain authority is 51. So that checks out right, I believe that they’re both using moz domain authority, so that checks out it’s really well really good page authority of the homepage 49 links 69, who picks up more links. 69 000 backlinks over here or 31 000 backlinks from uber suggest that it’s picking up and branalyzer’s only picking up the six thousand backlinks moz number links for the domain.
I’m going to do one more thing: real, quick. If we go to motivation grid and we turn on, I need to turn on keywords explorer. They have a free as well a free tool and you have your moz at 51 and you have your total.
Backlinks is 17, 000, 17, 000 backlinks, 30, 000 backlinks here and branalyzer only 7000. So just looking at it, it’s it’s not picking up moz, because these other tools are using moz and it’s not picking it up. So this is actually 69 000.
Is that the referring that might be the referring domains is 2 000. Okay, so it just seems low, majestic information. You have the citation flow, trust flow links, 12, 000 links, and I mean 16 000.
So you get just an overall view. There brand history we’re going to go cruise through here. It’s going to see what the traffic has been like, 400 000 and pretty consistent.
Then it’s dipped into the 200 there, but overall pretty consistent between 250 and 400 right there, and it can go even further back if you want want to brand keywords, we’re going to look at the most useful brand keywords: unusual quotes about life traffic right here and There’s going to be just a ton, so I’m going to go and click on the 100 results right here, not really sure why it’s not showing more, because this is a really big website. Oh okay, so there we go, there’s a bunch! This is a big site. We can’t actually go by traffic up here, so almost 2 000 traffic quotes by rocky. It doesn’t really tell okay position one, so it tells you where they’re ranked right here.
So all these number one keyword and they’re getting good traffic right here. Click on the analyze button right here, analyze any keyword, okay, so we would need to go back, I’m going to scroll back scroll up a little bit and what you would want to do is you would want to so these are the little things that you just Kind of need to learn about the software right. I’ve never used the software before but quickly.
I’m understanding that you need to copy this and then, if you push the analyze button, it’s going to take you right down to the keywords, analyzer and then we’re going to throw that keyword in here and then we’re going to push. I believe a search keyword get full seo data export and so forth. Let’s do a search, keyword, so they’re saying it’s a medium to long task, so it’s not quite as fast as I would hope it to be.
All the apis are working right. Now, it’s probably using other tools in the background, and here we go so we have our keyword here. It’s going to give some suggested keywords and it’s going to give us the different positions. So motivation grid is ranked number one gives a category it gives all the domain.
So I guess we could. You would want to sort it by one two, three, four ten, so they should automatically have the first ten right there, but this is where we can analyze. This is your your typical top ten ranked pages. It is really cool that they give you all these stats.
All in one spot, so if you’re, one of those seos that wants moz data along with the majestic tools, citation flow and that’s uh, sort of thing, you’re, getting all the things you need right for that keyword, that’s ranking! You get the page authority domain authority, citation flow trust flow. You can actually email them. It’s going to go and try to find an email.
If we click on the email button, it’s going to find different emails right here, so you can actually go. If you want to try to do a guest post on their blog, you can email them there. It’s a wordpress word wordpress right there, a personal type and then you have not really sure what png is pitch and profit okay, and so you or you could just email it to all three right if you’re going to try to do an outreach email. So it’s kind of cool that it goes out and actually researches those we did lose our data, though unfortunately, so if you click on the email button, one thing I don’t like is: if we push the back button, we’re not able to get the data that we Want luckily, when we search for that exact keyword, it comes up immediately and we want to wait.
You know 30 seconds again. So all the sites like right here pinterest is ranked twice, so we probably could outrank them right, even though the domain authority is high right. There you can probably outrank pinterest type pages, so this just gives you an idea right here that this is going to be very competitive.
Though it’s going to be a hard um keyword to crack on the top page, you can maybe just make it to say for the domain and not really sure price and all that sort of thing so we’ll get into that part. But I’m not sure about. Let’s see get the I push the play button and it said to get full seo data get dapa in the first 100 rows.
We already got that, so we really didn’t need to push the play button. Okay, so that is the keyword, keywords, hunter and brand keywords. We kind of kind of dove off into the keywords hunter, but I’m not really seeing it’s just kind of an interesting thing. It’s not really a keyword.
Research like you, expect or see in other tools where you’re really getting a bunch of keywords back right. It gave us a couple suggested keywords, but we’re really not it’s it’s it’s basically just analyzing the top 100 results for us for a keyword. It would be kind of cool if they gave us an overall number of what they think. The difficulty of the number would be, but I don’t see that as well, but we do have to visually manually kind of see right here that yeah that the domain authority and page authority is super high on this one.
You probably want to stay away from that keyword. Okay, so where were we at brand seo brand history brand keywords? I think we were brand backlinks real, quick. It sticks with the one that we have in there, so you have total domains, 923 paid domains and what is this paid? Domains total paid domains, total cost 20 000. So sometimes I kind of I’m like looking in here like what are we looking at right now? Right um is this the let me go back to home.
Yes, motivation grid, I’m just going to push it again, just to be safe and then we’re going to go back into brand backlinks. Okay, so these are all their backlinks that the pull the the tool is uh, picking up okay. So if you put in a site right here – and I have a similar site to this – I could actually go in here and reverse engineer. So this is actually very powerful.
You kind of just have to know what this tool is doing. Do they have an in info? How data is sourced and processed? Give us feedback help about this tool. You can click that estimated organic traffic backlink price seo metrics. So just explains all the stuff that they’re doing and if you want to learn about it so back in here, this is the back links.
It’s giving us 923 opportunities where you could literally come in here, the inscriber mag. If you have a really good article on your website, you could actually go out and do some outreach and email them and say hey. I have this guest post blog I’d, love to just send it your way or something, and you could try to get the backlink on their site, so that could be useful for you brand competitors. So it’s going to give us our top competitors, I’m going to go to 50 and see if there’s more yep, there’s more okay.
So these are the ones that are the top competitors. If you’re trying to look for other sites to get more information from – and you have the keywords – the amount of keywords that would be super amazing, if you could click on the keywords that they’re ranking for and then if it turned into a keyword tool. That would be insane, but I don’t think that you’re able to do that in branalyzer, but keep moving on brand emails.
It’s more of an overall analysis, type tool right, all right, so we do have the brand emails are those three. So if you put an email got it, you can skip right to the brand emails and it’s going to tell you what emails you can use to try to contact them so brand usernames and you have all their so this. This is where it’s getting pretty powerful. You can go and reverse engineer everything or you can see what platforms they are on so they’re on facebook, youtube, twitter, tick, tock, twitch, reddit, ebay, pinterest, github and flickr.
So and then I’ll just do the 25 and see if even more stuff, yep even more stuff comes through medium and we’ll go with 100. I guess gumroad, so they sell something. I’m going to click on the gumroad link and see if it takes us nope. It does not that’s interesting.
I thought that this would take us to that link, but maybe they don’t have that. Maybe we go over to gumroad and we click on this link here and so that link function is not working. So that’s something to note.
It should be sending us to their youtube page. If I found a youtube page for motivation grid, it should be taking us to that youtube page. So that is, I think, something that they need to fix: we’re going to go to brand technologies and I’m not really sure what this brand technologies is. Google, adsense wordpress.
So this is looking at what they’re using what what technologies and tools they may be using. So they’re utilizing google adsense on their site, they’re using google analytics on their site, they’re using wordpress for their site, but they have an alternative one and two which is wix and squarespace or drupal. Maybe this is just the tool giving you some some alternatives: mysql gravatar php google remarketing tag we’ll go pull some more stuff in here, so, okay, that could be useful brand malicious.
That is zero. I guess if there was any kind of suspicious links that you have or anything like that, then it would maybe show up over here. Uh brand report motivation grid used dates.
You can actually download this as a pdf. If you wanted to send, if you were going to do some analysis, seo analysis for a site traffic or if you just want to print it off for your records, you could do that as well. If you’re going to measure your own sites progress domain authority, so it just gives you all this all this data, if you needed this or wanted to send this off to duo, so that gives you a nice report and overall for a website. So we already did keywords hunter and you basically just put in a keyword so like how to stay motivated to work out or is that one word to work out? I’m going to push push the play button now and see if there’s a difference between the search and the play button.
Okay, so it went and got all the data I’m going to make this go from position one to ten, and then you can start analyzing the competition domain score. So here’s an opportunity ranked number two facet: seven fitness: they only have a domain authority of 31 and a page authority of 30 and citation flow and trust flow. One thing: that’s kind of missing right here – would be nice to say to show on this page right here how many backlinks are going to that page, how many backlinks we have the page authority and the domain authority citation flow and trust flow.
But if we wanted to that facet, seven, fitness – what I would do is I’d take. This keyword come back over here to google and we’ll just use some some basic stuff. So here it is accurate and it is ranked number two, but we’re going to be able to see that referring domains 228 and referring links is 1100, but that actually doesn’t isn’t going to tell the story on how many are coming to that exact page right there.
So one other thing that we need to do is log into moz: okay, so I’ve logged into moz, toolbar, okay, so sometimes the mods toolbars kind of acts up, but we got it. We got it working okay, so the the moz toolbar is saying the page authority is 18 and there’s only one backlink right here. One back went going to this exact page and they were able to sneak in here with their content.
So this is kind of your gateway content right here. If you wanted to outrank, you would just need to outrank this blog post right here with a page authority of only 18 and only one measured, backlink right and that doesn’t it doesn’t tell you that on this tool right here, so it’s only useful from looking at It just to initialize to initialize what you need to do, but then you would need to take this a step further to find out what you need to do to outrank this right and their page authority is 30 right here, and my the moz tool is only Saying it’s a page authority of 18 so a little bit of a discrepancy there as well and then finally, the backlinks hunter. You could go here and analyze motivationgridcom for backlinks and you can see all kinds of different backlinks.
We can pull 100 results right here. A ton of backlinks that they have and you could go out and do more outreach, here’s their emails right here and all the different backlinks that they have. It doesn’t really say the keyword or anything that they’re using for it to get that backlink, though so that again, that would be just a cool added uh feature that if it would set what the anchor text was or something like that, but still very useful, and Then the free hunter, I’m not sure what free hunter means, let’s go and check it out, so free hunter. What is this tool doesn’t explain it there.
It just explains the same thing there, so you just put a keyword in and then I this tool doesn’t really. I don’t really know what this tool does. I’m not going to spend any more time on it, we’re going to go check on the explored.
They do need to work on their helpful tips on exactly how to use this exact tool right here so like right here. They need to have a little video button where you could click that, and it would tell you exactly how to use this tool. That would be a huge upgrade for them. I’ve really noticed that with more tools lately – and it is a super game changer for people that are new into the tool and then like me myself, I review tools on a daily basis, and this says I don’t see the difference between this tool and any of The other tools that they’re offering so a video explaining what the difference between free hunter versus backlinks hunter versus keyword hunter.
All that would be pretty useful. We’re going to go check out the last tool that I was the most excited about analyze a domain we’re going to go put in here, so I guess analyze any domain. So I’m going to go and if I’m in the motivation niche we’re going to take motivation grid and what it’s supposed to do, I believe popular search.
That’s not what I’m looking for, though I want to put in something right here and it’s not letting me so. I’m actually trying to I’m trying to uh left click right here and it’s not letting me on demand. You have.
You have to upgrade to be able to search to put something in okay, so at least that I know that now. But if you wanted to go, and just we’ll just do one for fun they’ll they let you use these for um to test it. I guess so nail, botel click on that. It’s going to go out and tell you these domain domain authority and so forth.
Right here, so you have your domain age, 16 years domain authority. We have page authority, citation flow trust flow and you can come through here and try to find a good. That’s weird, how it’s kind of popping out right there like that. But you can come through here and look at different domains, so startupsforumi has some some page authority and some referring domains.
So this could be a useful tool to go out and try to find some some expired domains that may have some backlink profiles to them. So all in all, that’s bran brennelizer, I’m going to go back over here to the home. You can go and pick this up for as low as 39. For the tier one code.
You can stack up to four codes if you are running analysis on sites and trying to reverse engineer. This could be a pretty good tool for you um. I don’t know if you guys want me to compare this to any other tools or compare this to the one I did a few days ago, which was sheer seo just initially kind of how I feel about the the tools, a sheer seo. I enjoyed the tool.
More, I just I liked the features in the tool more than this one, but this one does offer the domain authority and the moz metrics that the other tool didn’t. So, of course, I still can’t find that tool that gives you everything, but this one is a lower price point and does give you some good data. If you want to go pick this up or check it out, click the first link below and leave a comment.
If you want me to look into this tool and compare it to any other tools – and I appreciate you watching and we’ll see you next time.